22 April 2009

thanks and congrates

hey buddy! i've got award from audrey surya. thanks a lot yeahs baby :3
see! this is the pict of that award.......

    1. Letakkan logo di blog anda
    2. Tulis link blog yang memberi anda award
    3. Berikan kembali award kepada 10 blogger yang dianggap paling friendly dan inspiratif dan buat link mereka di postingan anda
    4. Supaya mereka tau.. Coba kasih tahu melalui comment posting mereka atau di kotak pesan.

    And i give this award for:
    1. my second sister
    2. audrey
    3. aisya
    4. alyssa
    5. nadira
    6. yanisa
    7. junte
    8. anin
    9. rie
    10. hafizh


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